Thursday, March 29, 2012

Birthday cake

Who doesn't love birthday cake, is there any cake better, I think not. OK maybe wedding cake, but I'm not talking about wedding cakes today. I have been asked to make GK's grandma's 93rd birthday cake, yes that's right I said 93 - pretty special and she is so sweet so I want to make her something really speacial. I'm going to draw some inspiration from the below cakes and then hope for the best.

Happy Friday all - hope you have a lovely weekend.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

This n' that

I can't believe it's Friday already, and we seem to be all set for our first wintery weekend, apparently it is going to snow in the hills today and we are only in our first month of Autumn... Perhaps that is why when I saw Peony Lim wearing this gorgeous tunic (below) I instantly wanted one - you would always feel cheerful wearing something so pretty. 

Love, love, love these slippers

Handsome Harls - don't you love how he sits... When one of us goes out he sits on the stairs and stares at the door until we come home again. Adorable!!!

Hope you have a fabulous weekend.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


If you haven't ever checked out the girls at Sequin Harvest then do yourself a favor and check them out. Absolutly gorgous blog and these girls really have great style and put the most fabulous outfits together.

Tell you what, I am loving these bibs (and other jewellry) from DanniJo that they profiled on Sequin Harvest yesterday. What a gem, could make the most boring t-shirt look glam. I think I need one...
Enjoy the rest of your week.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Have you seen - Dunlin

Thank you to the fabulous Daily Imprint blog I have just discovered Dunlin. We are at the stage in our home renovation for sourcing new lights and Dunlin have a very special selection - check them all out here.

Here are a few of my favorites from their site.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New York - all drawn up

I love New York, it's probably my most favorite city. Sadly I can't remeber whose blog recently had an illustration from All The Buildings In New York, but it led me to check out the website where I found these incredible illustrations of the magnificent city - what do you think, amazing right?


All images via here


Monday, March 12, 2012

Long weekend snaps

Gee returning to work after a long weekend is tough, especially when we are getting our last spurt (yes I said spurt) of hot weather.

We had the most fabulous weekend. Popped along to a Chris Botte concert, he played with The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and it was just fabulous - has now taken over No. 1 spot on my tunes list. Before the concert we ate at Chin Chin to see what all the hype is about - I now understand, the food is amazing. If you're in Melbourne it is a must. Below is my wagu salad.

Look at the handsom little fella - he loves a long weekend just as much as the next person.

Some random street art - just to keep up with culture (if only). And I really do need to take a photography course, I'm sure that shadow was not there when I took the photo...

What girl does not love a bright display of flowers.

Enjoy your week.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Abigail Ahern

I have just discovered Abigail Ahern - UK interior designer/stylist. She has the most stunning taste, very different to mine but I love it nontheless. She favours dark & squishy rooms where I love light and airy, but what she does works so well only wish I was brave enough to paint a room in dark colors. Abigail also does the room styling for Heston Blumenthal - can you just imagine how much fun that would be.

Make sure you check out Abigail's blog here if you are anything like me you will get consumed in it for hours and hours.

It's nearly the weekend - yay long weekend for us. So looking forward to a super relaxing weekend. What are your plans for the weekend?


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

From the hen

So our mornings are sadly getting darker and colder making it awfully hard to get out of bed. Although these gorgous pictures I came accross on Kiss my spatula have given me some inspiration for tomorrow morning. Don't know about you but breakfast is my most favorite meal of the day, but I find during the week there is never enough time to pull something together other than cereal or toast. Now aparently this recipe below is only going to take me 3min - we'll see.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Black is back

This post is probably the result of our sudden change in seasons. We have been thrown smack bang into autumn, no easing into it just hello rain and trying to remember where did I hang my coat, does it need a dry clean, or better yet isn't it time for a new one. The cooler weather always makes me want to dress in black, but isn't that what we Melbournian's are known for. Here are my favorite looks for today courtest of Crush culdesac a gathering of the most beautiful pictures.

Hope you're having a great Tuesday.
